第18回  金賞 2005年/18th Gold Award

作 者:
Bairui An
Wuhan University of Techology


1. 暗闇の中での歩行または登山中、これを足に着けさえすれば両手が自由に使えるので便利。10個のLEDで明るく道を照らす。
2. テントや部屋の中では地面に広げ、空気袋に空気を入れて使う。使わない時や運ぶ時は空気を抜いて畳む。
3. 暗闇で何か修理するような時は腕に着けてもよい。

Or So Light of Chaperonage
An Bairui
Wuhan University of Techology [China]

This light is designed with LED bulbs and cloth.
The LED bulb can provide long time of light with little energy but strong light. This kind of cloth is convenient to carry and use because of its softness.1. While walking or climbing mountain in the darkness, the users only need to tie it onto the legs but don't have to carry it with two hands so that the two hands can be liberated to do other things. The brightening surface which consistes of ten LED lights with strong brightness can lighten your way ahead.2. While in a tent or in the room, the users can unfold it on the ground and use it by filling the little air-bag with air; while it is not used or needs to be carried, it canbe folded after the air is squeezed out of it.
3. This light can also be tied onto the arms to meet the users another need, for example, when doing some repairment in the darkness.