第19回 銅賞・Web最優秀賞 2006
 19th Bronze Award And Excellent Design Award Internet Voting

And Excellent Design Award Internet Voting

作 者:
Paki Li
山本 侑樹

今回この照明を考えるにあたって、私は「災害時に人が必要とするものは何か」について考えました。もちろん水や食料、衣料などの「物」は必要です。当然その中にあかりも含まれます。では人は物を手に入れて何が得たいのでしょうか?―― それは「安心」です。災害時、人は安心を求めるのです。人間は一人では生きてゆけません。周りの人と繋がりをもち、助け合って生きてゆくのです。そして災害時こそ、そのことが一番重要な場面なのではないでしょうか。

Paki Li
Yuki Yamamoto
Kanazawa College of Art [Japan]

In designing this light, I thought over what we would need in time of disasters. Of course we would need water, food, clothing and lighting, but I wondered "What are they necessary for" It would not be just to have material needs but to get a sense of relief.
Man cannot live alone; we have to keep in touch with others, help each other by sharing what we have, especially in emergencies.
I designed this in pursuit of the kind of light that would relieve people from the dreadful uneasiness.
Note: The title "Paki Li" comes from "Paki (or Poki)", a sharp sound made by breaking, say, a piece of wood, of which English equivalent may be"crack." The idea is to crack this light into two, to share it with his or her neighbors.