第22回 銅賞 2009/22nd Bronze Award
作 者:
水田 真輔

「アースフレンドリー」というテーマを考えた時、私はもっと身の回りにある自然を見直して行動する事がアースフレンドリーにつながると考えました。その時問題なのは、価値観がブレる事で物を捨てたり、ゴミとして扱う事です。 そこで私は日常、見かける本来は美しいけれど嫌がられている“クモの巣”に注目し、「クモの巣+光」の組み合わせによる照明を作る事にしました。

Light Web
Shinsuke Mizuta
Kyoto Seika University/Japan

What is beauty? I admit that there are lots of beautiful things man has produced with his own hand, but I paid attention to the forms natural light creates and designed a lamp ‘of natural light’s own making’.
When I thought of the theme ‘earth-friendly’, I felt it is important for the pursuit of the theme to reexamine nature around me and act accordingly. What I am afraid of is that I am not steady enough to keep to the theme and tend to throw things away so easily or treat them as wastes.
What I have observed is a cobweb. It is really beautiful, though most people hate it. Through combining it with light I designed a lamp. I hope it will help people to see things differently and to find out really beautiful things around you.